I have taught five semesters of undergraduate economics at the University of Houston. Teaching has given me an opportunity to learn economics on a deeper level: one only knows they understand a concept if they can communicate it to other students.
In the fall of 2018, I was awarded the exceptional teacher award by the University of Houston Department of Economics for receiving high teacher evaluations from my students.
For evidence of my teaching effectiveness, here. My complete teaching evaluation record, can be found here
Classes I have taught
1. Principles of Macroeconomics, Summer 2018 (teaching effectiveness: 4$.$9$/$5.0)
2. Principles of Macroeconomics, Spring 2018 (teaching effectiveness: 4$.$3$/$5.0)
3. Principles of Microeconomics, Fall 2017
4. Intermediate Macroeconomics, Summer 2017 (teaching effectiveness: 4$.$5$/$5.0)
5. Principles Macroeconomics, Fall 2016
Teaching Assistant
I have served as teaching assistant for the following courses:
1. Intermediate Microeconomics, Professor Andrea Szabo, Fall 2015
2. Applied Econometrics Professor Andrea Szabo, Fall 2015
3. Macroeconomic Principles and Money, Banking and Financial Markets,
Professor Polly Hardee, Spring 2015
4. Macroeconomic Principles and Money, Banking and Financial Markets,
Professor Polly Hardee, Fall 2014